Wednesday, April 29, 2009


After 3 students practiced doing ultrasounds on me (for an 1.5 hours!) they finally started trying to get some good 3D images. Unfortunately, they said Harper was really nested in and her face was up against the placenta so they couldn't really get a good shot :( Luckily they are letting me go back in about a month just for some 3D shots! They said once Harper gets bigger she should be easier to see. On the plus side the woman said she was 99% positive that its a girl. After my first ultrasound at 19 weeks i was a little leary. Even though they told me it was a girl the ultrasound tech didn't sound too sure. But after today, with Harpers little legs wide open, we are for sure ready to start buying frilly pink clothes!! Anyways, hopefully she be in a better position for some pics when we go back.

1 comment:

  1. We know she's beautiful whether you have photos or not!!!
