Tuesday, June 23, 2009

30 weeks!

I'm 30 weeks today and feeling good. I had my first brush wih major feet swelling this past saturday. I was sitting for too long and it was really hot. I decided to lay down and since my toes kinda felt funny i looked down and to my surprise my feet were sooooo swollen. My toes felt like they were huge and rubbing together. It was a little scary since it felt like it came on all of a sudden but after laying down the swelling went down. My sister helped me finish our target registry today but before we left her house to go to Target she kindly pointed out that she could leave an indentation on my foot/ankle when she pressed on it (due to water retention)! Great!! Its gonna be a long and hot last 2 months. Thank goodness for a.c.! Anyways, thats all for now. I go to the Dr. every two weeks from now on so i'll be back in a couple weeks with a Harper update!

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